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    堪称央视长沙日 美丽长沙大年初一刷屏央视

    发布时间:02/18 2018  来源:长沙文明网


      2月16日(农历大年初一),中央电视台综合频道《新闻联播》栏目,对长沙市民欢度春节的热闹景象进行了报道,在栏目片尾同步直播了长沙美丽的湘江夜景呈现给全国观众;《经典咏流传》栏目中,以长沙铜官窑出土的唐代铜官窑瓷器题诗《君生我未生》为背景,由中国第一代钢琴演奏家巫漪丽老师伴奏,压轴演出了一曲荡气回肠的《梁祝》;央视全网播发《Liuyang Fireworks》专题片,报道浏阳烟花,近日将在央视国际频道滚动播出。星辰在线特别整理16日央视播出内容,让广大网友一睹为快。


















    唐代长沙窑的“君生我未生”瓷壶 。资料图

      于1974——1978年间出土的“君生我未生”瓷壶 ,是长沙铜官窑出土的众多文物之一。瓷器上所题都市商贾、歌楼妓馆、游子旅人的诗,根植于都市社会的土壤,成为中唐时期新兴的市民文学的一个品种。铜官窑瓷诗的多数不能登大雅之堂。其内容“不歌颂皇室”、“不抒写文人学士们谈贫诉苦之情”、“不讲论国制朝章”、也“不热衷于佛理宣传”。它在创作上以写实为宗,开宗明义,朴实无华,通俗易懂,毫不造作。在艺术风格上吸取了风诗“赋、比、兴”的手法,创造出一种市民需要,商贾喜爱的新品种——瓷诗,开诗人瓷的先河。(跟随铜官的陶瓷文创者一起重回唐时的长沙窑 )


      (2月16日央视全网播发《Liuyang Fireworks》专题片,报道浏阳烟花。来源:央视)

      2月16日(大年初一),央视全网播发《Liuyang Fireworks》专题片,报道浏阳烟花。近日,将在央视国际频道(CCTV-news)滚动播出。

    It's New Year's Eve. Zhang Qiuming and his colleagues are all suited-up and equipped at the work site. They have been preparing for half a month.


    It's a fireworks performance in Liuyang city. Many people would appreciate the beautiful fireworks for the celebration of the Spring Festival tonight.


    Liuyang is called the "city of fireworks" in China. It's also the largest base for fireworks production and exportation in the world. There are all kinds of fireworks with various forms and colors, which can be used on different occasions. They are favorites for many galas and ceremonies.


    Zhang grew up surrounded by the noise of firecrackers. Whenever good things happen or people feel happy, they'd always celebrate with fireworks. "In Liuyang, the Spring Festival is celebrated by setting off three bunches of firecrackers. One for the reunion dinner, one before closing the door at New Year's Eve, and one when you open the door on the first morning of the new year. The more firecrackers, the better."


      People even keep the red residues for more than a week, symbolizing lasting prosperity.


    As a professional fireworks operator, Zhang can do more than "light up the sky."


    "For us, the sky is the canvas and the fireworks are the paint," he says, adding, "Fireworks are abstract. It's the combinations of colors."


    "Red stands for passion; gold for dreams; white for snow; green for spring; and blue for the sea and the sky. Red and gold are always the colors for the Chinese Spring Festival." Zhang and his crew would combine different types and sizes of fireworks to achieve certain visual effects.


    The designs of the fireworks change every year according to the Chinese Zodiac. 2018 is the Year of the Dog, so the designers chose the shape of a dog. "Bow-wow sounds like 'prosperity' in the Chinese language."


    Modern fireworks can be more complicated than we imagine. To guarantee the best show, operators need to program and operate on computers and remote controls. Laser and music are also indispensable for a grand show.


      Zhang missed several festivals with his family because of the preparation for the shows. "From January 1 to the Lantern Festival, we make fireworks without a single break." He says, "Not until after the Spring Festival holidays can we join our families."


    He has brought, however, loads of happiness to other people. Besides major cities in China, his fireworks have also illuminated the night sky of New York City, dazzling overseas Chinese in lands far away on Chinese New Year’s Eve.


    "Fireworks are not all for the passion. There can also be some deep emotions," says Zhang. "The key is to arouse the sympathy of the audience."


    With another bang, the colorful sparks spiraled into the sky and won a big round of applause. With such happiness and excitement, the Spring Festival has arrived.


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